Due to a water line break, Hobson Union is temporarily closed, affecting Lakeside and Eco Grounds Dining Locations

Allergen Solutions

Allergen Solutions
Do you have food allergies or intolerances? Our chef’s have you covered.Simple Solutions is a station in our residential dining room where our dining team prepares special selections from ingredients without most common food allergens. Here you’ll find delicious dishes made without 7 of the top 8 most common food allergens – egg, milk, peanut, tree nuts, shellfish, soy and wheat.* To see our daily menu offerings at this station, full nutrition, ingredient, and allergen information, visit our Locations & Menus page.

*Aramark relies on our vendors’ allergy warnings and ingredient listings. Because we operate a commercial kitchen where ingredient substitutions, recipe revisions, and cross-contact with allergens is possible, Aramark cannot guarantee that any food item will be completely free of allergens.

We're Here to Help

Contact Us
Our chef and dietitians help take the mystery out of healthy eating and are available to accommodate dietary needs in a personalized, sensitive manner.  Contact your on-site Chef or Dietitian, or email swailes-jean@aramark.com for general information.